Running in Belgium

Practical information and race calendar (walks, road, trail) in Belgium
Photo credits:

Alexi Tauzin

In the Land of Tintin and Spirou

What do you know about Belgium? Belgium offers visitors a rich tapestry of cultures, nourished by a rich history. It's also a country of art!

While the capital of Belgium is Brussels, the top attraction for travelers in Belgium is the Venice of the North, Bruges! This medieval city, surrounded and crisscrossed by canals, is a beautiful place to visit. Just like the "real" Venice in Italy, Bruges owes its architectural wealth to the golden era of merchants. It's worth noting that in the 15th century, the city was one of the most powerful in Europe... Brussels, on the other hand, is also highly appreciated by its guests, especially for its vibrant cultural activities. Music, theatre, painting, Brussels is alive day and night! Tintin, Spirou, and Lucky Luke are the spearheads of Belgian comics, known worldwide for which you'll find traces in Brussels... Painters 🧑🏻‍🎨 have also left a mark on the country's history. Embark on a discovery of the numerous museums showcasing works by Magritte, Rubens, or Ensor, to name just a few... Liège, located near the borders with the Netherlands and Germany, is a former principality. The city's prestige, governed for centuries by a prince-bishop, is especially evident in its many religious buildings, including the Saint Paul's Cathedral. The Coteaux de la Citadelle district is sure to win your vote... Let's take advantage of the city's relief to show you that Belgium is not as flat as you might think! The Province of Liège, in fact, is home to the High Fens nature reserve, where the highest point in Belgium, the Signal de Botrange (694 meters), is located. Nature lovers will delight in the fauna and flora of this region, covered in bogs and forests 🌲, like the Hertogenwald. The country's coastline to the west is popular with Belgians for its beaches, especially when the sun is shining ☀️. Oh yes, almost forgot: check the weather before choosing your weekend in Belgium, the weather can sometimes be cold 🥶 and rainy 💦... But you can always enjoy a good Belgian beer to warm up. With Belgium's climate not being suited for grape cultivation, Belgian Monks took their "revenge" by producing beer 🍺. And the quality is still there, centuries later. Enjoy responsibly...

... especially if you're coming to run in Belgium! Just look at how the "almost" flat country has whipped up a nice race calendar for you. Whether on the road, on the trails, or for walkers! The homeland of Eddy Merckx hosts a bunch of cool races, some with evocative names! How about taking on the challenge of The Last One Standing, a race part of the UTMB® World Series offering various courses (Discovery Trail, Short Trail, Long Trail) including one over 150 km? You didn't think you were going to Belgium to suffer, did you?! Well, prove wrong the 600 Boitheux Trail (in Theux near Liège) by finishing it with dignity! Road race enthusiasts have already marked the Brussels Marathon, held in the Belgian capital. Not far from there, to the south of the city, the Soignes Forest hosts the Brussels Trail every year! Lastly, let's not forget the walkers who can have a field day at the magical Fairy Trail. This event takes place in Bertrix, in the southeast of Belgium, in the country's least densely populated province. Quietly in the forest 🌲, in the midst of the Flemish Ardennes...

Belgium is no joke.

Should it rain or snow

Running Events Calendar in Belgium

Get a quick overview of the complete calendar for road races, trails, and walks in Belgium!

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