La Saint-Pol Morlaix results

La Saint-Pol Morlaix : The results of 2022 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2022

  • 22โ€‰km

  1. Said Lazaar
  2. Jean Louis Bouric
  3. Abdelhak Sabhi
  4. Stefan Ravaleu
  5. Jeremy Quimerch
  6. Manuel Prigent
  7. Benjamin Raffard
  8. Clement Michel
  9. Maxime Quiviger
  10. Sylvain Costuas
  11. Sebastien Kerneis
  12. Mickael Debains
  13. Guillaume Siohan
  14. Mickael Laloupe
  15. Pierre Marc Mauduit

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