Results Le Trail des 4 x 1800 for 2024

La 4 x 1800 en relais ร  2

p.Back.First name NameGenderCat.TimeSpeed
1-Hervรฉ/ Loic TOUZARDHSEX03:50:378.33โ€‰km/h
2-Jรฉrome/Bergheaud BOUYSSIHM3X04:04:557.84โ€‰km/h
3-Lesage Mathieu BRIACHSEX04:12:257.61โ€‰km/h
4-Fabien Hugo ROUDEIXHSEX04:24:447.25โ€‰km/h
5-Chloรซ Florian LAROCHEHM0X04:37:046.93โ€‰km/h
6-Julien Samuel GLEIZESHESXSee the results
7-Antoine/Emmanuel GYREHSEXSee the results
8-Matthieu Isabelle BROUSSEHSEXSee the results
9-Candice Thomas DELOMHESXSee the results
10-Jรฉrรฉmy Quentin MANARANCHEHSEXSee the results
11-Victor Thomas PERRINHSEXSee the results
12-Marjorie Audray BENETFSEXSee the results
13-Manon Marius JOURDEHSEXSee the results
14-Alexandre Olivier RIGALHM0XSee the results
15-Lucie Maelle HOERNERFSEXSee the results
16-Frรฉdรฉric Hรฉlรฉne DALATHM1XSee the results
17-Julie/Corali RIVIEREFM1XSee the results
18-Pascal Clรฉment BORREHM5XSee the results
19-Samuel julien CHANETHSEXSee the results

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