Grenoble-Vizille results

Grenoble-Vizille : The results of 2023 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2023

  • 21โ€‰km

  1. Lucien Mermillon
  2. Laurent Razat
  3. Fabrice Rey-Jolly
  4. Lรฉo-Paul Cracowski
  5. Jeremy Goguet
  6. Thรฉo Arnaud
  7. Pierre Juran
  8. Gwen Masson Schaeffer
  9. Pierre-Marie Dejean
  10. Gildas Ruyant
  11. Stephane Bacconnier
  12. Joseba Urrestarazu
  13. David Jessup
  14. Steven Le Goff
  15. Antoine Boutin Paradis

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