Festi-Trail results

Festi-Trail : The results of 2023 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2023

42โ€‰km : Festi-Sรจvre

  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elevation gainย :ย 1000mD+
  • 2 ITRA points
  • 220+ runners in the last edition
  1. Tรฉo Cazenaves
  2. Hervรฉ Javierre
  3. James Gody
  4. Laurent Laffitte
  5. Stรฉphane Daudigeos
  6. Julien Doublet
  7. Kevin Nowakowski
  8. Laurent Barron
  9. Hugues Laheuguere
  10. Nicolas Viaud
  11. Germain Beuchard
  12. Olivier Capdeville
  13. Jean Baptiste Lacouture
  14. Julie Maulny
  15. Jonathan Poisson

25โ€‰km : Boca-Trail

  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elevation gainย :ย 600mD+
  • 236+ runners in the last edition
  1. Marc Prevot
  2. Mรฉdรฉric Guรฉrineau
  3. Paulin Jarry
  4. Guillaume Sorondo
  5. Paul Brettes
  6. Fabrice Richaud
  7. Julien Campistron
  8. Jean-Mathieu Gauzere
  9. Bastien Bady
  10. David Costa
  11. Mamadou Niakate
  12. Thierry Mairy
  13. Loic Zimmer
  14. Laurent Vergez
  15. Quentin Fernandes

12โ€‰km : La Malouine

  • Sunday, May 14, 2023
  • Elevation gainย :ย 255mD+
  • 204+ runners in the last edition
  1. Vincent Piana
  2. Sรฉbastien Goubard
  3. Arthur Dufour
  4. Armand Boulidas
  5. Gilles Laurede
  6. Franck Dorr
  7. Irina Belous
  8. Arthur Ducasse
  9. Julien Douay
  10. Nicolas Badet
  11. Julie Bediee
  12. Simon Delaval
  13. Christophe Besson
  14. Christophe Polycarpe
  15. Vincent Ducasse

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