Beaujolais International Marathon results

Beaujolais International Marathon : The results of 2022 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2022

  • MarathonTOP

  1. Legese Dadi
  2. Pierre Barbet
  3. Julien Magnin
  4. Nicolas Senechal
  5. Christophe Ganan
  6. Thierry Coquet
  7. Yannick Henry
  8. Cedric Lapalu
  9. Alexandre Dumoulin
  10. Christophe Livio
  11. Jerome Grataloup
  12. Frederic Desplanche
  13. Stephane Bourgie
  14. Emilien Violon
  15. Fabrice Echallier

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