La Veni Vici results

La Veni Vici : The results of 2023 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2023

  1. Emmanuel GAULT
  2. Julien CHABAT
  3. Mickael MAGALHAES
  4. Nicolas HALGRAIN
  5. Pierre-Philippe BROIZAT
  6. Sonia MARTINEZ
  7. Amandine PRONIER
  8. Amelie GINTER
  9. Odile VALERY
  10. Karine MATT
  1. Gauthier DUBRANA
  2. Eddy MARTINOL
  3. Vivien BEGON
  5. Tom PAGANI
  6. Mary-Charlotte TURCO
  7. Clara BURCHI
  8. Severine GATIER
  9. Heloise PAILLET
  10. Prisca GOUNELLE
  1. Judicael BELLANGER
  2. Thibaut FAISSE FAISSE
  3. Florimond PLANTIER
  4. Florian AUJOULAT
  5. Augustin CATIGNOL
  6. Mathilde FRECHARD
  7. Violette MERCIER
  9. Doriane LOPEZ
  10. Marion BARLAGUET
  1. Lilian ORTS
  2. Valentin NICOLAS
  3. Francois JAUBERT
  4. Guillaume BOUILLOUX
  5. Nicolas CHAON
  6. Joyce DUBOIS
  7. Rebecca VOLUHER
  8. Native LOMBARDOT
  9. Emeline MORDAC
  10. Catherine LOTZ

Previous results


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