Courir ร  Nevers results

Courir ร  Nevers : The results of 2023 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2023

  • Half Marathon

  • Friday, May 26, 2023
  • 176+ runners in the last edition
  1. Loic Monsarat
  2. Luc Pain
  3. Quentin Loudenot
  4. Benjamin Dubresson
  5. Cรฉdric Leger
  6. Paul Pรฉretiรฉ
  7. Sรฉbastien Fichot
  8. William Genois
  9. Gabriel Biteur
  10. Arnaud Fauchille
  11. Antoine Gobet
  12. Frederic Marie
  13. Gilles Queffelec
  14. Bastien Roulot
  15. Valentin Mouteaux

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